Pure FCP Service Expert FCPs for your Primary Care Network

MSK Pathway and Triage


Pure Physiotherapy has been providing support to NHS MSK pathways since 2011, by increasing capacity both face-to-face and virtually. The vast majority of our work supporting MSK pathways is delivered in our own clinics face-to-face by our specialist team of MSK physiotherapists. We also supply physiotherapists into NHS settings to provide treatment and bolster numbers, without relying on locum agencies who struggle to ensure clinical governance is always at the standard we should expect.

We can provide bespoke rehabilitation pathways for groups of patients at PCN and ICB levels. Integrating with existing pathways across long term conditions and musculoskeletal care.

We currently offer orthopaedic triage and advanced physiotherapy practitioner clinics face-to-face and remote, for a variety of different partners, providing rapid access expert care for patients looking to understand and progress their management plan.

What we offer


Overflow capacity for triage


Provide physiotherapists to support NHS Trusts


NHS physiotherapy referrals


'Physio line' virtual support


High levels of clinical governance


Rapid assessment and accessibility


Remote and face-to-face appointment options


Full governance process in place


Flexibility in delivery


Quality focussed

Get in touch for more information

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    Our award-winning FCPs support PCNs and GP Federations all over England.

    With PCN partnerships from Cornwall to Durham, Weston-Super-Mare to Southwold, our network of specialist physiotherapists operate face-to-face or remotely depending on your local needs.

    Map of the UK